Environment Committee Mission Statement

For 10 years, Sanagan's Meat Locker has proven itself to be Toronto's best-loved butcher's shop. From the beginning we have committed to sourcing all of our meat from small, family-run, Ontario farms, raised in the interest of health and flavour, and we're proud to have brought this consistently high-quality meat to our customers. Now, with our global climate crisis escalating to levels of ever-increasing concern, we must do our part to address our own environmental impact in any and every way possible.

Over the coming months, we will be overhauling a number of our practices in the name of becoming not just the leading purveyor of meats in the city, but also the most environmentally friendly butcher's shop here or indeed anywhere else. Some of these changes will take place gradually, others we intend to complete in a matter of weeks. Our long-term goal is to move away from as much single use packaging as possible, and in order to do this we are encouraging as many of our customers as possible to bring their own containers and shopping bags in order to drastically reduce the amount of plastic waste to which we're a contributor. As of January 1st 2020, we will be introducing charges for use of plastic grocery bags and increasing the price of our vac-pack bags. These charges reflect our costs, and the hope is that this move will encourage our customers to bring in their own reusable bags and containers.

As our business has grown this past decade, it's become clear our customers care deeply about the ethics and quality of their meat, and we are confident this passion will translate over to our upcoming changes.

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