Archeologists Love Haggis

This January 25, the gang at ASI Archeology will hold their 32nd annual Robert Burns Day office party and Sanagan’s is proud to be their Official Purveyor of the Haggis. Or is it Offal-icial Purveyor?

Our house-made haggis features offal from our Ontario lamb combined with oatmeal, onion, lard and seasoning in an all-natural beef bung. We are honoured to supply it to ASI and to you for your Robbie Burns celebrations.

Martin Cooper is the Senior Archeologist at ASI and the driving force, all these years, behind the party. One assumes he’s steeped in Scottish ancestry and goes around saying things like “ach” while playing golf in the rain.

“I’m actually Jewish. I have no Scottish blood at all”, he explains, with a laugh, from across the boardroom table at ASI’s office on Bathurst Street. “But when I was growing up, my backyard in North York faced onto the backyard of the Colonel of the 48th Highlanders and every summer he’d have the whole pipe band in the backyard”. Who could resist such an onslaught of Scottishness? While majoring in archeology at U of T Martin, a.k.a. Rabbi Burns, minored in Romantic Revivalist poetry, reading lots of the Ploughman Poet. So once he established the original ASI office above his father’s dental practice in the ancestral Kensington/Annex neighbourhood, it went without saying that they’d whoop it up Scottish style every Burn’s Day. “Even then we’d pipe in the haggis. The piper would have to tune up in the patients waiting room”.

Whatever your Burn’s Day party origin story may be, we can help with the haggis. Just call 416-534-9747 and place your order.


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